Have you ever had one of those days. One where everything went right. (surprised you?) Well I did.
We were camping in the Black Hills of South Dakota and it was my birthday. In celebration of the day we left the campsite to go see Devils Tower. As you may or may not know this is not a short trip by Illinois standards. We even decide to take the scenic route. We started at first light so as to have plenty of time at the Monument. The kids had only seen it in the movie "Close Encounters". They thought it would be cool.
I think for the first time I can remember riding with the kids there was none of the "Are we there, yet?" and "When can we go home?"
We stopped several spots along the way to get out and look at anything that caught our I eye. We waded in streams and looked at a small water fall coming from an underground stream high on a cliff. The kids played. Then got back in the car when asked.
I don't know if you have been to Devils Tower. As you drive to the Tower you see a valley with the Tower standing in the middle. It looks cool, even from far away. As you get closer it gets larger and looks even better.
Leanne and Kira each got a booklet for the Junior Ranger Program and bags for litter collection. We all filled our water bottles and packed a snack. Then we started to walk. We set out to hike around the Tower. On the way around we talked about the legends of the Tower. We talked about the ladders left by previous climbers. We watched the a modern climber work his way up the Monument. We even scrambled over boulder field at the base. Leanne and Kira asked questions about what really made the Tower. When we made it back to the Ranger Station the kids got their badges and had their names put in the book.
On our return trip to the campsite we stopped at a small restaurant and had "Indian Taco". The kids did not complain about having to eat something other than cheeseburgers and fries.
By the time we got back to the campsite and into the tent we were beat. However, it was the kind of day anyone would want for their birthday. I got to spend it doing the things I wanted to do and everyone else appeared to be happy too. Wish they all could be that way.
I could have made several choices in this State. It also, has Yellowstone (along with Montana and Idaho), Grand Teton and Big Horn Mountains.