Folly Beach County Park

in South Carolina

Folly Beach

We stayed in Charleston and visited Folly Beach. This was a good time for the kids. A mile long beach for making sand castles. They walked the beach looking for seashells. We also checked out the tidal pools for living creatures to watch. They were able to find crabs, sails, sand dollars, etc. The thing the kids liked the most was body surfing. I would walk them out as far as I could and let them ride the waves into the beach.

Hope to get back and see more of the State outside of Charleston. We had to leave the Interstate and travel the back roads through the North Carolina and Tennessee mountains to get to Charleston. A big rock slide took out all the lanes of I-40. We got to see some pretty country and met some nice people (small town dinners are great), but it put us behind schedule. Not a bad thing just meant we had to adjust the trip. You have to be ready to change plans to have a good trip.

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