During my travels I have taken photos to remind me of things the folks in the region find important. All you need to do is select a state on the map. You will then see a picture taken from that state. Some of these states I have not visited for many years. Therefore, some of the objects may be gone today. If I know this, I will note it as a caption. If you know the item is now gone, please write me.
If you think I should revisit the state and take a picture of a different object, let me know. Who knows I may have a picture of that object and can swap my current picture for another one in my archives. I want my fans to be happy. I did just that with Wyoming. You can still the original picture, but I have placed a newer one on the page as the primary.
I have this up before all the photos are complete. It will take a while to scan and format the photos. However, I want to get feedback as I go along. There are a few states that I have not visited, yet. Only a few though. They are Washington, Alaska and Hawaii. Those that have been to this page before will notice Maine was removed from the list of states not visited.
I also have the Virgin Islands (a territory) and Puerto Rico (a Commonwealth) listed on the map. It is in my plans to visit these locations and will add them to the photo record.
As a fun task try to find the extra image map locations on the map. At this time there are two spots not directed at any one state or territory. If you cannot find them, you can write and I will give you a hint.
I have had requests to reproduce some of the pictures on this page. Please, remember they can be used for non-resale purposes. I retain rights to my images. I can request any display that diminish their future value to me be stopped. All occurrences must show David J. Adams as the owner of the image.
Please feel free to contact me:
Write to David J. AdamsThe photographs on these pages must be attributed to David J. Adams in any use unless written authorization is received from David J. Adams. They in no way can be used for commercial purposes without written authorization. Now saying this I encourage you to go around the country and collect your own pictures. Not because I could catch you, as I do not plan to look for you. Instead you should make them for the fun of doing it. Besides I am sure you will be able to do it better yourself.