I still have this bike. It has all the original parts almost. It has replacement lens on the right side turn signals and new rubber on the foot pegs. You see, I have had my statistical accident. I broke two ribs and dislocated my shoulder. I was in the hospital for a few days because I could not hold down my food. "No problem" as a friend from work says. I figure stuff happens. I this is my big risk item. Some folks downhill ski, some ride motorbikes, and some folks set around watching TV waiting for the heart attack.
I do really wear the helmet. I even wear a helmet when I ride my bicycle. So do my kids. One of my daughters found out the hard way. She did not wear a helmet one day because she was just riding around the block. Another kid on a bike ran in to her. She ended up going to the hospital with a head injury. She recovered, but she now wears the helmet like dad.
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